Teaching AAL

A resource for educators of all backgrounds interested in teaching about African American Language(s) and Culture

The study of African American Language and Culture has played a pivotal role in the development of education research, sociolinguistics, and other disciplines. It is imperative that this dynamic and ever-growing body of research be shared with the next generation--particularly with the next generation of educators and linguists, who can help shape the language knowledge and language ideologies of students from kindergarten through graduate school. We created this website as a compilation of pedagogical resources and research findings from several ongoing and past research projects focused on the teaching of African American Language(s) at the postsecondary level.

TALES (Higher Ed)

Results from a survey of college faculty and graduate students who teach about African American Language(s).

ELATEd (K-12)

A Spencer-funded study of K-12 science teachers' experiences learning about African American Language(s).

SESAAME (Higher Ed)

A 2016-2018 mixed-methods study of college students' experiences studying African American Language(s).

Teaching and Advocacy Resources

Resources and discussion prompts, links to free (and non-free) texts and videos, and links to other websites.


Contact qsedlacek@smu.edu to get more information.